13 research outputs found

    Some new results of pythagorean fuzzy soft topological spaces

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    This paper aims to originate new notion that is pythagorean fuzzy soft topological space and investigate some important properties of pythagorean fuzzy soft topological spaces. Furthermore the notions of pythagorean fuzzy soft interior, pythagorean fuzzy soft closure, pythagorean fuzzy soft image and pre-image, pythagorean fuzzy soft continuity are presented.Publisher's Versio

    Opinions of parents about the extra curricular educational activities carried out in the context of the children's clubsAilelerin çocuk kulüpleri kapsamında yürütülen müfredat dışı eğitsel etkinlere ilişkin görüşleri

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    This research is a descriptive study in the screening model, aiming to reveal the opinions of parents about extracurricular educational activities carried out in children's clubs. The universe of the study is composed of 440 parents whose pupils participate in extracurricular activities in five primary schools in Kastamonu (four public and one private) under a children's club. The data were obtained with a questionnaire developed by the researchers and analyzed based on descriptive statistics.The findings of the survey show that families sending children to children's clubs are middle and upper social classes. Families send their children to socialize, develop their children in the club space and develop artistic and aesthetic values. While the fee-based activities of children's clubs restrict participation of children, it provides additional income for schools and teachers on duty.The families assess the expenditures they have made within the scope of the children's clubs in the context of the investment expenditure to increase their children’s human capital. In this respect, extracurricular activities carried out in the context of children's clubs create an opportunity inequality for children from the lower societal segment of the society. In connection with this research, different researches can be done including the contributions of the extracurricular activities carried out in the children's clubs to the students.Extended English abstract is in the end of Full Text PDF (TURKISH) file.ÖzetAilelerin çocuk kulüpleri kapsamında yürütülen müfredat dışı eğitsel etkinliklere ilişkin görüşlerini ortaya koymayı amaçlayan bu araştırma, tarama modelinde betimsel bir araştırmadır. Araştırmanın evrenini Kastamonu ilindeki beş ilkokulda (dördü kamu ve biri özel) çocuk kulübü kapsamında yürütülen müfredat dışı eğitsel etkinliklere katılan 440 öğrencinin aileleri oluşturmaktadır. Veriler, araştırmacılar tarafından geliştirilen bir anketle elde edilmiş ve betimsel istatistiklere dayalı olarak çözümlenmiştir.Araştırmanın bulguları, çocuk kulüplerine çocuklarını gönderen ailelerin orta ve üst toplumsal sınıftan olduklarını göstermektedir. Aileler bu kulüplere çocuklarını sosyalleşmeleri, çocukların ilgili kulüp alanında gelişmesi ve sanatsal ve estetik bir değer geliştirmesi için göndermektedir. Çocuk kulüpleri kapsamında yürütülen etkinliklerin ücretli olması katılımı sınırlandırırken, okullara ve görev alan öğretmenlere ek gelir getirici bir yönü de içermektedir.Aileler, çocuk kulüpleri kapsamında yapmış oldukları eğitim harcamalarını, çocuklarının insan sermayesini artırmaya yönelik yatırım harcaması kapsamında değerlendirmektedir. Bu yönüyle, çocuk kulüpleri kapsamında yürütülen müfredat dışı eğitsel etkinlikler toplumun alt toplumsal kesiminden gelen çocuklar için bir fırsat eşitsizliği oluşturmaktadır. Yapılan bu araştırmayla ilişkili olarak, çocuk kulüpleri kapsamında yürütülen eğitsel etkinliklerin öğrencilere olan katkılarını içeren farklı araştırmalar yapılabilir

    Can We Improve Confusion, Uremia, Respiratory Rate, Blood Pressure, Age >65 with Lactate and Procalcitonin to Predict Mortality in Pneumonia?

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    Introduction: Pneumonia is a common diagnosis in the emergency department (ED). Some scoring systems such as Confusion, Uremia, Respiratory Rate, Blood Pressure, Age>65 (CURB-65) are used to determine the severity of this disease. We aimed to determine the best scoring system (CURB-65, serum lactate+CURB-65, serum procalcinonin+CURB-65) to predict the severity and 30-day mortality of pneumonia patients admitted to our ED. Methods: This study was planned as a prospective study. 480 community-acquired pneumonia patients admitted to our ED between February 1, 2020, and January 31, 2021, were included. CURB-65 score, CURB-65+lactate levels, and CURB65+procalcitonin levels were evaluated to predict disease severity. Results: A total of 480 pneumonia patients, 281 (58.5%) men and 199 (41.5%) women, with a mean age of 61.7 ± 19.06 years, were included in the study. The sensitivity/specificity pair and cut-off value of CURB-65 for 30-day mortality was 71.9/74.8%. These values were 68.5% and 61.9% for CURB-65+lactate (cut-off = 17.50) and 78.1% and 90.7% for CURB-65+procalcitonin (cut-off = 2.095). Discussion: Infectious diseases such as pneumonia, urinary tract infection, and sepsis are common reasons for ED presentations and may be fatal, especially in the elderly population. In such infectious diseases, it is difficult to predict the prognosis of the patients including discharge, hospitalization service, mortality probability in the EDs those are becoming much more crowded each day and several scoring systems have been improved. In this study, the highest sensitivity and specificity were determined in CURB-65+procalcitonin. Conclusion: CURB-65 is superior to CURB-65+lactate; however, CURB-65+procalcitonin is superior to both in predicting 30-day mortality

    Bipolar Spherical Fuzzy Soft Topology with Applications to Multi-Criteria Group Decision-Making in Buildings Risk Assessment

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    A generalized soft set model that is more accurate, useful, and realistic is the bipolar spherical fuzzy soft set (BSFSs). It is a more developed variant of current fuzzy soft set models that may be applied to characterize erroneous data in practical applications. Bipolar spherical fuzzy soft sets and bipolar spherical fuzzy soft topology are novel ideas that are intended to be introduced in this work. Bipolar spherical fuzzy soft intersection, bipolar spherical fuzzy soft null set, spherical fuzzy soft absolute set, and other operations on bipolar spherical fuzzy soft sets are some of the fundamental ideas defined in this work. The bipolar spherical fuzzy soft open set, the bipolar spherical fuzzy soft close set, the bipolar spherical fuzzy soft closure, and the spherical fuzzy soft interior are also defined. Additionally, the characteristics of this specified set are covered and described using pertinent instances. The innovative notion of BSFSs makes it easier to describe the symmetry of two or more objects. Moreover, a group decision-making algorithm based on the TOPSIS (Technique of Order Preference by Similarity to an Ideal Solution) approach to problem-solving is described. We analyze the symmetry of the optimal decision and ranking of feasible alternatives. A numerical example is used to show how the suggested approach may be used. The extensive benefits of the proposed work over the existing techniques have been listed

    Use of Tissue Oxygen Saturation Levels as a Vital Sign in the ED Triage

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    Objectives: The utilization of vital signs as triage tools remains a mainstay ofemergency patients. The evolution of monitoring technologies, including the noninvasive tissue oxygen saturation devices has improved our ability to monitor the critically ill patients. The aim of the present study was to determine the tissue oxygen saturation (StO2) levels of the patients as a vital sign during emergency triage. Methods: Approximately 30-35 patients present to our emergency department each day and the triage of these patients are performed by a nurse at admission time. A three level system (1: red, 2: yellow, 3: green) is used to determine the triage level of the patients presenting to our department. We examined 150 patients during five days. Age gender, triage levels and hospitalization status of the patients were noted. For the StO2 level measurement, an Inspectra device was placed to the right thenar muscle for 10 s and mean of the first, fifth and 10th second values were noted at the admission time. Results: In our study 73 females (48.6%), 77 males (51.4%) totally 150 patients were included. We determined a significant difference between green and yellow (p=0.00), green and red (p=0.00), yellow and red (p=0.001) according to StO2 levels. We couldn’t find a significant difference between females and males in triage groups (p=0.13 for green, p=0.71 for yellow, p=0.86 for red). There was correlation between StO2 - triage level (p=0.00, r=0.609) and StO2-hospitalization status (p=0.00, r=0.449). Conclusion: StO2 level measurement may be helpful in determining the triage level of the patients presenting to the ED. Keywords: emergency, tissue oxygen saturation, triag

    Evaluation of Annual Legumes and Barley as Sole Crops and Intercrop in Spring Frost Conditions for Animal Feeding II. Mineral Composition

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    Sole grass pea (Lathyrus sativus L.), sole common vetch (Vicia saliva L.), sole barley (Hordeum vulgare L.), common vetch + barley intercrop, common vetch (I) and barley (1) in terns of mineral contents were assessed in the present study for animal feeding. Common vetch + barley intercrops were separated as common vetch (called as common vetch 1) and barley (called as barley 1). The experiment was designed in a factorial arrangement of a randomized complete block design with 3 replications and carried out at the research station at Kelkit Aydin Dogan Vocational Training School, Gumushane University, in 2006 and 2007. All the plants had important potential in terns macro and micro mineral contents in animal feeding. There were significant differences between years in Mg, Ca, P, Mn, Fe and Cu contents. According to the results, sole grass pea, sole common vetch and common vetch (I) in Mg, sole grass pea, common vetch (1) and sole common vetch in Ca, common vetch (I), sole grass pea and sole common vetch in Mn and sole barley and sole grass pea in Cu were rich for animal feeding. If farmers want rich forage in terns of Mg, Ca and Mn, they should select sole grass pea and sole common vetch cultivation. If farmers want rich forage in terms of Cu, they should choose sole grass pea and sole barley cultivation

    Chemical Contents of Red Clover Genotypes on Crop Improvement Systems as Livestock Feed

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    A field experiment was conducted in 2000-2001 at the Research Station of East Anatolia Agricultural Research Institute in Pasinler of Erzurum province in Turkey. In this study, 25 red clovers (Trifolium pratense L.) genotypes were evaluated in terms of chemical contents for animal feeding in the 2 years results. The red clover genotypes were sown in the spring of 2000. The experiment was designed a randomized complete block with replicated 4 times. The genotypes were harvested in 50% flowering once in 2000 and 3 times in 2001. There were significant differences in N (p<0.05), Mg (p<0.05), Zn (p<0.05), Fe (p<0.05), Mn (p<0.01) and Cu (p<0.01) contents but no in Na content among the red clover genotypes. According to 2 years results, especially L-818 line and Xiashao cultivar in N; L-1881 and L-812 line in Mg; Redwent cultivar, L-77, L-1922 lines and Lucrun cultivars in Zn; L-77 line, Redwent cultivar, L-812, L-1922 lines and Lucrun cultivar in Fe; L-79 line, Redwent cultivar and L-77 line in Mn; L-79 line, Redwent cultivar and L-77 line in Cu had higher chemical contents than the others for animal feeding. The genotypes rich in terms of chemical content can be successfully used to meet the requirement the forage quality of animal and to gain new quality red clover genotypes for animal nutrition


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    This research study was designed to determine the effects of plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) on some morphological characteristics, yield and quality contents of Hungarian vetch (Vicia pannonica Crantz.) in the Kelkit Aydin Dogan Vocational Training School Research Area during 2008-2009 and 2009-2010 plant growing season. The research consisted of a control (without plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria) and 12 different plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria (Pseudomonas putida PPB310, Bacillus cereus BCB51, Pantoea agglomerans PAB58, Pseudomonas fluorescens PFC82, Pseudomonas fluorescens PF84, Arthrobacter mysorens AM235, Paenibacillus polymyxa PP315, Pantoea agglomerans PAA362, Bacillus atrophaeus BA361, Bacillus megaterium BMA424, Bacillus megaterium BMA479 and Bacillus subtilis BS521) seed inoculations and three replicates. Some morphological characteristics (stem diameter, plant height and leaf number), dry matter yield, crude protein, crude protein yield, ADF, NDF, macro and micro-elements (B, Ca, Na, K, Mg, P, S, Cu, Fe, Mn and Zn) were tested in the research study. According to the results of the research study, some of the PGPR treatments had positive effect on morphological characteristics (especially PFC82, BA361 and PAB58), dry matter yield (very little PAA362), crude protein (very little PFC82), ADF and NDF (especially BA361) and macro and micro-elements (especially PAA362) of Hungarian vetch